East Park’s Values, Vision & Charitable Objectives
East Park Values
The staff, senior management team and Board of East Park are pivotal in ensuring each child and young person benefits from their placement at East Park.
Crucially, in achieving this, the values we hold are:
1.1 Collaborative – We work together with the children and young people, our staff, with families and carers, with external partners and teams to provide the best experiences, opportunities, and services, to enable the children and young people to thrive into adulthood.
1.2 Ambitious – We celebrate the strengths and abilities of the children and young people and encourage and support each person to communicate and achieve their ambitions. We will do all we can to support each individual in achieving their independence. We actively reject the soft discrimination of low expectation often experienced by the children and young people we work with, instead offering a new cycle of positive experiences, high aspirations, and achievements.
1.3 Respectful – We have unconditional positive regard for each child and young person understanding that each person has a right to dignity and respect. This value and right extends also to staff and is reflected in our daily interactions and collegiate support, appreciation and respect of the roles undertaken by each of our colleagues in all departments across the organisation.
1.4 Inclusive – We believe that the children and young people at East Park have the same right as their peers to be included and have access to positive experiences, to equality of opportunity, and to high-quality services, inside and outside East Park. On behalf of the children and young people of East Park, we are tenacious in our advocacy to access their rights.
1.5 Nurturing – We have a holistic approach to supporting the emotional, intellectual, and physical development of the child and young person, the priority in this is the person’s safety. We understand the need for constant positive, consistent, and caring communication, tailored to each individual’s mode of communication, in supporting each person’s development within a calm and encouraging environment.
1.6 Growth – All of our values are underpinned by growth – as a collaborative, ambitious, respectful, inclusive and nurturing organisation, we ensure that all our children and young people can flourish and achieve their potential.

East Park’s Vision
East Park strives to provide a high quality, child and young person-centred education and residential care service for children and young people with complex additional support needs, including autism and associated behavioural challenges. With the child and young person at the centre and working with the team around the child (TAC), we seek personalised approaches to enable everyone to reach their maximum potential.
It is important to us that stakeholders have input into the services East Park delivers. Our stakeholders are the children and young people, parents and carers, professional partners, commissioning bodies, accrediting and regulatory bodies.
This Business Plan reflects East Park’s charitable objectives to provide the best possible education and care services for children and young people with complex additional support needs (CASN) including autism and to achieve positive outcomes for all our children and young people.
East Park is a charity, company limited by guarantee (non-profit), independent and grant-aided residential school.
Charitable Objectives
Our three charitable objectives are:
3.1 To ensure that every child and young person is supported to reach his or her maximum potential.
This requires us to ensure that each child and young person is respected as an individual, loved, nurtured, and educated in a manner that meets their needs and best supports their development into adulthood.
3.2 To deliver on our commitment to self-evaluation, collegiate reflection, personal development, and learning.
We do this to ensure we are properly equipped to design, deliver, and improve the quality of the services we provide.
3.3 To work with others to develop the best education and residential care services possible for children and young people with complex additional support needs and Autism Spectrum Disorder from across Scotland.
We do this by providing staff with high-quality training relevant to the support and education of children and young people with complex additional support needs, and by reviewing our resources, curriculum, and environment. We maintain our membership and accreditation with the National Autistic Society and other organisations relevant to our services and delivery.