Trustees & Management

East Park’s Board of Trustees/ Directors plays a central role in developing strategy, monitoring quality and governance and supporting the provision of education and care services.

As Charity Trustees their key duties are:

  • To seek, in good faith, that East Park operates in a manner that is consistent with its objects or purposes
  • To enhance the effectiveness of East Park and its purpose
  • To secure the future of the organisation by setting objectives and establishing a plan to achieve that vision

After approving the strategic direction, the rolling three year Development Plan and underpinning financial policy and budget, the Board delegates executive responsibility to the Executive Director and the senior management team who have collective responsibility for the operational management of the organisation.

The senior management team comprises:

Executive Director, Head of Care Services and Head of Education.

The Head of Education is supported by Amy Little and Ailie Davie, Principal Teachers. The Head of Care Services is supported by Liam Feeney and Karen Ferguson, Care Services Managers.

East Park school is an integral part of the wider organisation and thus decisions relating to the school are taken within the wider Board and Senior Management structures and processes.

East Park has a Three Year Development Plan which is updated and approved by the Board annually. The Development Plan is supported by an annual Operational Plan which details the objectives and is produced in consultation with the three main teams: education, care and resources. A component of the Operational Plan, which covers all elements of East Park, is the School Quality Improvement Plan. The Board reviews the progress towards achieving all organisational objectives throughout the year.

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