Supported Accommodation
Community Houses
East Park has four high specification purpose-built houses located within pleasant residential areas of the local community. The houses each accommodate 4 or 5 young people in single occupancy bedrooms. The location of our houses allows young people to live socially valued and fulfilling lives as part of the community, experiencing neighbourly relationships, and having full access to local community activities and resources.
Intensive Support Service
The Intensive Support Service is designed for children and young people with highly intensive behavioural support needs related to their learning disabilities and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) who struggle to make sense of the social world around them. It is comprised of two blocks of two and four residential studio flats respectively, linked to a communal living room and kitchen. Each studio flat has its own study and living area, and bedroom with an en-suite. It aims to provide a nurturing supported living environment where young people can learn self-regulatory strategies while still able to withdraw to a safe private place when affected by anxiety. Shared social spaces offer opportunities to engage with peers and adults; supporting young people to learn to share their living space with others.
All our care staff are appropriately qualified and registered.
Every resident young person has a key worker who acts as a designated link person co-ordinating all aspects of their care. The key worker supports the young person both on a day to day basis and in relation to the planning and reviewing process, to express their views and choices and to fully participate in all decisions which may affect their lives.
Recognising the importance and benefit of a consistent approach, particularly in relation to supporting young people with autistic spectrum disorders, care staff work closely with East Park education staff to develop and implement effective strategies.
In East Park these specific individualised strategies which support the young person throughout the day and across settings are incorporated into the following joint processes and procedures:
- The young person’s Personal Support Plan
- Their Behaviour Support Plan
- Behaviour Support Meetings
- Key Team Meetings
- Class planning and timetables
- Individual activity planners