East Park Equal Opportunities Form
Introductory blurb here
How would you describe your gender?
What is your age?
Ethnic Group
What is your ethnic group?
For this question, please choose one section and then, if required, the appropriate group in that section in order to indicate your ethnic group.
Please click the appropriate group in the White section in order to indicate your ethnic group.
Please click the appropriate group in the Asian, Asian Scottish or Asian British section in order to indicate your ethnic group.
Please click the appropriate group in the Black, Black Scottish or Black British section in order to indicate your ethnic group.
Sexual Orientation
How would you describe your sexual orientation?
Which of the following religions, religious denominations or bodies do you currently belong to?
Do you consider yourself to be have any long-standing illness or disability that affects the work you do?
If yes, which type of impairment do you have?
Date of Birth and Age