Catriona Campbell
Head of Education
Appointed to East Park in March 2018
Having originally trained as an Art teacher, she has had a broad and varied career across different sectors. First working for 2 years in a London comprehensive where her passion for Additional Support Needs and Pupil Support first began, she returned to Scotland where she worked at Kibble Education and Care Centre and was quickly promoted to Principal Teacher for the Intensive Support Department.
Catriona was then appointed to lead education within the new Safe Centre, a secure unit for some of the most vulnerable young people in the UK. After 11 years, she was appointed as Depute Head for South Lanarkshire’s SEBN provision, Kear Campus, before moving into Supported Learning at New College Lanarkshire, where she developed courses for learners with complex needs.
In 2017, Catriona completed the Scottish Qualification for Headship and she also holds an MEd in Inclusive Education, and Post Graduate Certificates in both Asperger Syndrome and Support for Learning. Her professional interests include Outdoor Learning, Mental Health and Sensory Processing.